Study Tips! Succeed Through Habits

As a high school student, managing academics, hobbies, and sports and still getting a sufficient amount of sleep seems impossible. 

I have my ups and downs, but I’ve been managing! Many of these were not overnight but instead habits I built over time. Here are some tips for becoming a better scholar and achieving your desired grades in school!

1. Keep Organized

Staying organized is one of the most helpful things that keeps me on track. First and foremost, have a planner. I use it to write my daily tasks and document my school year. By the end of the first semester, planners are usually neglected. However, being consistent is essential!

Find a cute and efficient planner to keep yourself motivated to write every day, much like a journal. My current planner has a month and week layout, where I write down all my classes and the corresponding homework for each. This way, you are kept aware of the amount of work to tackle and upcoming tests to study.

2. Have a Clear Goal

Building off the previous tip, having a clear goal is crucial to working effectively. This allows you to add healthy stress to meet a timeline and keep pace. Make sure to be realistic as well. I often divide my daily homework up prior to starting.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Yes, yes… the impossible. That’s what everyone tells you, but it’s so important! Coming home from school, I make sure to take at least a 20-minute nap. Taking naps may feel like a waste of time but trust me! This can save you more time. Sleeping and being well-rested will keep your brain clear and allow you to work faster.

4. Utilize the Weekend

The weekend is a time for us to rest, but obviously, there’s so much homework as well. Our instinct is to go ahead and enjoy our weekend all the way until Sunday night. Use the weekend to rest! However, I recommend you finish your work first and catch up. Then, you can have a restful weekend without worrying. Plus, you’ll have more time for assignments if you didn’t realize it earlier.

5. Know Your Study Habits

Knowing your study habits will benefit you in so many ways. You can save time and find joy in studying. When do you focus best? Some may say when the sun is still out, others say at night. It’s different for everyone.

I was able to find my study habits and work with them. I’m sometimes very much an (unhealthy) perfectionist. Later in high school, I found that sometimes, it’s best to finish the assignment rather than spend unnecessary time.

6. Ask Questions

Asking questions at school or even emailing teachers will save you the struggle. It can also help you understand a concept a lot better. Some questions go unanswered and somehow, it always shows up on the test. It doesn’t hurt to ask questions. If you need to, ask those questions!

7. Romanticize School

Romanticizing is definitely a current trend, but it truly does help! It keeps me motivated and gets me into the mood for studying. Having a set playlist or going somewhere with the right ambiance will help so much. I love going to a library or cafe! Going to places like these will also keep you accountable and focused (hopefully!).

<3, melon





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